I live for my morning routine. I wake up, drink my coffee with extra cream and sugar, drive six and a half minutes to the farm and put on my muck boots. Next, I’ll pick a playlist based off my mood for the day and pop in my headphones. I walk down to the dry cow barn and inspect every cow. I’m looking for cows that may need birthing assistance.

After completing that, I make my way over to the calf office and begin the preparations for feeding calves. I test our pasteurized milk with a refractometer and make sure the temperature is correct for feeding. I load up all the bottles and buckets, and deliver the milk to the calves. Every morning, the same thing. I don’t enjoy change, and I’m no fan of surprises. You could compare me to the cows in that sense; we are creatures of habit.

The problem is, change is inevitable. As much as I try to avoid it, it happens, usually when I’m least expecting it. Here is how I’ve learned to deal with unexpected changes.

1) Don’t react too quickly. Walk away from the situation and get some space alone. Most of the time, if I react swiftly, I say things before thinking. Distance yourself for however long it takes for you to think and speak rationally.

2) Focus on the positives. Sure, you can sit and pout and make yourself miserable. Or you can think of the new options and possibilities that you can make from this situation. Maybe this change can be great for you. Don’t immediately assume the worst.


3) Be part of the change. The more you resist, the harder it is to transition. Welcome what this new circumstance can bring and accept a new challenge or chapter.

I enjoy my daily routine as much as anyone. But sometimes we have to break out of our routines or we get trapped in a monotonous rut. No one wants to be stuck in the same situation forever; it’s not healthy. We can lose track of the purpose and meaning behind what we are doing. The key is not to fear change, but lean into it. Look past the immediate discomfort and realize change is part of growth. Big changes are coming my way very soon, some of which I never could have anticipated. But I am slowly learning to appreciate change. What I once might have observed as a huge obstacle, I can now see as a stepping stone to a larger path.

“When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change. At such moment, there is no point pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back.” —Paulo Coelho  end mark

Kelli Woodring