Despite the continued economic strain on dairy producers, Pacific Gold Milk Producers, Inc., one of California's newest milk producer cooperatives, is partnering with others in the dairy industry to raise awareness of local hunger with donations of dairy products to local charities and food banks.

"We feel it is our responsibility as members of the food industry to help those in our community who go without," said Brian Vanderspek, president of the Pacific Gold Milk Producers board of directors. Leonard Vandenburg, Pacific Gold's general manager, agrees, "Real dairy is a cornerstone of good nutrition, yet so many are not able to supply themselves with even this basic food."

In an effort to make its own contribution go farther, Pacific Gold sent out an appeal to other key players in the dairy industry, asking them to consider matching Pacific Gold's own donation. Joseph Gallo Farms and Hilmar Cheese were quick to respond to the pledge. PD


—From Pacific Gold Milk Producers, Inc. news release